
Colouring images for free

Paint the main characters from our mobile app Pep, Noni and his friends with our colouring images and give them a little bit of colour. They love that!

Download our colouring images of Pep & Noni

With the colouring images for kids every child gets the chance to paint the characters from Pep & Noni, our new mobile app with stories for kids. Simply click on the free downloads and print out the templates. Then there are no limits to creativity. You want to paint Pep & Noni in their original colours or give them a new individual look? It is all yours!

All the templates were created by kunstundkegel, who were also responsible for all illustrations in the mobile app. Through the lovingly designed, but colorless templates, you get the opportunity to breathe life into the characters.

Colouring pictures are a great option especially for young children, as they only have to stick to the given areas and do not have to draw the contours and structures of the picture themselves. By this, Pep, Noni and their friends can be neatly depicted without needing much artistic talent.

That makes our downloads the perfect pastime for all kids who can hold and use a crayon. Also, they are the perfect addition for those kids who want to engage with the cast of the app beyond the given stories.

If you don’t know our stories for kids app yet and want to learn more about them, just download Pep & Noni from your appropriate app store. This way you will learn who Pep & Noni are, what their story is and why colors also play a very important role in the game. This makes coloring the pictures even more fun.

Have fun colouring the images and playing our app!

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